While chipmunks are adorable critters, they can be pretty mischievous as well. As someone who values the appearance of their lawn, it can be pretty frustrating to discover that a family of chipmunks...
Category: Pests
The correct diet is vital for any animal, and chipmunks are no exception. Many people assume that chipmunks only eat acorns and nuts. This is not true; they eat a wide variety of plant and animal...
The Beehive State consists of over 15 million acres of forestland. Utah's landscape consists of mountains, plateaus, foothills, and flatlands, making it home to diverse wildlife. Many Utahans wonder...
Squirrels have a fantastic sense of smell that helps them source food in both new feeding areas and places they've buried some for later usage. So how do they locate their caches of food? Certain...
Do you have chipmunks that keep returning to the garden? If you've spent a lot of time around chipmunks, you may wonder If they remember you, and that's why they keep returning to your garden....
Chipmunks can be cute, but they can also be a nuisance to many homeowners, especially if they decide to take up residence under your garden foundation. Once this happens, can you remove the chipmunks...