Do Squirrels Eat Jasmine Plants? [How to Keep Them Away]

do squirrels eat jasmine plants

Jasmine plants are beautiful, fragrant, and popular among gardeners. But some people worry that jasmine plants may be attractive to squirrels. If you’ve noticed something has been eating your plants, your first thought is squirrels. Of course, several animals may be eating your plants, but do squirrels eat jasmine plants?

Do Squirrels Eat Jasmine Plants?

The answer is yes and no. Squirrels will nibble on jasmine plants if hungry enough, but squirrels would rather eat other types of food such as nuts, bird eggs, seeds, and insects. If there’s a shortage of other food sources, squirrels may turn to jasmine plants as a last resort. While jasmine plants are not a preferred food source for squirrels, they will eat them if necessary.

Unfortunately, there is a huge list of flowers squirrels like to eat, and you can find out about them in this article. So if you have jasmine plants and something is eating them, it may or may not be squirrels. 

Several other animals are attracted to jasmine plants, so it’s vital to investigate to figure out which one is eating your plants.

If you think squirrels are eating your jasmine plants, it’s important to know how to prevent them from ruining your garden. We’ll discuss some of the best ways to prevent squirrels and other animals from eating your plants.

But first, let’s take a closer look at the popular jasmine plant.

What Are Jasmine Plants?

Jasmine (genus Jasminum) is a large genus of around 200 species in the olive family (Oleaceae). It is a large deciduous or semi-vining shrub with clusters of white flowers. The floral fragrance of jasmine is intense, but not all varieties are scented.

The plants do best in full sun to partial shade and in well-drained soil. Jasmine plants are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Eurasia, Australasia, and Oceania, but many species have become naturalized in temperate climates worldwide.

Jasmine plants are popular as ornamental plants in gardens and parks. They are also used in the production of essential oils. In addition, the flowers are used in making perfumes and jasmine tea.

Are Jasmine Plants Dangerous to Squirrels?

Jasmine plants are not toxic to squirrels or other animals. However, I’ve put together a list of the poisonous plants to squirrels that can help keep them away from your garden.

Do Squirrels Eat Jasmine Leaves and Vines?

Squirrels love eating plants, vines, bulbs, and leaves, but sometimes they will ruin your flowers just for the fun of it. While they won’t necessarily target your jasmine plants, they may nibble on the leaves or vines if hungry enough.

Other Animals That Eat Jasmine Plants

If you’ve noticed something eating your jasmine plants day or night, it’s likely one of the following animals: deer, rabbits, groundhogs, moles, voles, gophers, chipmunks, or rats. These animals are attracted to jasmine plants because they are looking for food or shelter.

You can try setting up a trail camera to figure out which animal is eating your plants. This will help you identify the culprit and take appropriate action. You can also try using repellents, but choose one that is safe for animals and plants.

Below are some tips to keep squirrels or other animals away from your plants.

How to Keep Squirrels From Eating Your Jasmine Plants

Squirrels love several types of plants. These rodents are attracted to flowers with beautiful flowers or newly planted plants. If you have squirrels in your area, it’s important to take precautions to keep them away from your plants.

Just remember, squirrels are persistent little critters, and it’s going to take some time to get them to stop harassing your flowers. So don’t forget to check out these tips to keep them off your sunflowers.

Related: How To Keep Squirrels From Eating Rhododendrons

Cage the Plants

One of the best ways to protect your plants from squirrels and other critters is to create a cylindrical fence out of chicken wire. You’ll want to create a cage around the jasmine plants to protect them properly.

You’ll want to place some wood or metal stakes and place them 4-6 inches away from the plant so that they won’t harm the roots. If you put them too close to the plants, the squirrels may be able to stick their paw in the cage and pull out a flower.

Wrap the chicken wire around the posts to form a cage. You may also want to create a screen door that will allow you to enter the cage to care for your plants.

Don’t forget to enclose the top of the cage. Otherwise, the squirrels will climb the fence and access the plants from the top. They are excellent climbers and jumpers.

Use Gravel

To protect your plants from squirrels, cover the top of the soil with gravel. This will make it difficult for the squirrels to dig as the sharp edges of the rock will hurt their paws.

Be sure not to use too much gravel, as this can hurt the plant’s roots. Avoid using large gravel, as it can damage the plant’s stems. Instead, consider using smaller types such as pea gravel.

Take the Container Inside

If your jasmine plants are in containers, the easiest thing to do is to take them inside. You can bring them out every morning and put them on a deck that squirrels won’t climb because there are always people on it.

Or you can leave them inside and place the plant near a window that gets good sun.

When your plants are in the house, you don’t have anything to worry about unless you have squirrels in your house.  

Dried Blood

Squirrels have a great sense of smell, which helps keep them safe from predators. For example, blood meal is a waste product of slaughterhouses that is used as a natural fertilizer. The smell has been proven to keep moles, squirrels, and deer away.

These animals can’t stand the strong smells of ammonia and nitrogen.

When choosing bloodmeal, opt for the organic type as it is the least toxic variety for your plants. It’s a great way to keep squirrels away while fertilizing your plants while providing them with sufficient nitrogen and other nutrients your plants require.

Spread four ounces of bloodmeal per square yard of soil or follow the instructions on the back of the bag.

You can purchase bloodmeal at a nursery or home improvement store with a gardening section.

Plant Among Thorny Plants

You can try plants that have sharp thorns to prevent squirrels from getting to your jasmine plants. For instance, roses have sharp thorns and can help protect your jasmine plants from critters.

You can consider planting other plants with thorns: firethorns, honey locus, bougainvillea, Barbary fig, etc. Make sure you do your due diligence to ensure those plants won’t attack your jasmine plants.

You can also plant some of the plants that naturally repel squirrels.

Feed Them

After you’ve depleted all the options above, you may want to consider creating a squirrel-friendly area in your yard. Choose an area away from your jasmine plants and veggies, so the squirrels won’t be tempted to stray.

You can either buy or make a squirrel feeder and fill it with some of the best food for squirrels we rounded up on our recommended products page. It may take a while, but once the squirrels realize they have their own place, there’s a good chance that they will leave your plants alone.

Before you know it, you won’t mind having the squirrels visit your backyard!

Final Word

While squirrels won’t go out of their way to eat jasmine plants, they will if given a chance. If something is continually eating your jasmine plants, it’s likely not a squirrel but some other type of animal.

If you have squirrels in your yard and want to protect your plants, consider using one or more of the methods we’ve listed above. The methods above will work for keeping squirrels and other animals from eating your plants.

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